File menu
The commands on the File menu that are accessible vary according to which window you are in.
Open This command allows you to open enquiry results or enquiry setups saved as result dumps (.agr) or Crystal reports (.rpt).
Save as This command is used to save Browser and balance table reports and templates.
Save as HTML This commands starts the Agresso HTML Publish Wizard to allow you to save Browser reports in HTML format.
Options This command opens the Options window where you can set AGRESSO’s start-up parameters.
View options This command opens the View options window where you can define the setup of registration windows.
Print This command lets you print a table (for example an online enquiry result) or the window itself.
Print preview This command lets you preview the printed result. This command is only available in AGRESSO Graphic Presentation (Chart) and AGRESSO Browser.
Print setup This command gives you access to the Windows menu for print setup.
Send This command allows you to send an image of an AGRESSO window via e-mail.
Exit This command closes the AGRESSO program.
Edit menu
Cut (CTRL+X) This command cuts out the marked area and places it on the Windows clipboard. The contents can then be used by another application, such as a spreadsheet or a word processor.
Copy (CTRL+C) This command copies the marked area and places it on the Windows clipboard. The contents can then be used by another application, such as a spreadsheet or a word processor. This works in the same way as Cut, but leaves the original intact.
Paste (CTRL+V) This command copies the contents of the clipboard into the active window (and field) in AGRESSO. Most windows in AGRESSO do not support copy and paste, but some let you paste partial data. You can for example paste data in the Budgeting module of the General Ledger.
Delete (Del) This command deletes the contents of a field.
Clear (F5) This command returns a blank window, but does not delete data that has been saved previously.
Insert row (Alt+F2) This command inserts new rows in a table field where new information can be entered. The number of new rows created is determined by the value for No. of new rows in the Options window on the File menu.
Delete row This command is used to delete a previously saved row from the table field. Select Save (F12) on the Data menu to make the deletion permanent.
Undo row This command removes a row from the active window without deleting it.
Data menu
Find (F7) This command fills a table with data (with or without search criteria).
Save (F12) This command permanently saves any changes you have made.
Zoom (Alt+F6) This command provides additional detail on a line in certain table fields, for example details on an individual transaction.
Filter This command filters out rows in a table that do not contain the value of the field you are positioned on.
First (Ctrl+F5) This command lists the first occurrence of results or lists.
Next (Ctrl+F7) This command lists the next occurrence of results or lists.
Previous (Ctrl+F6) This command lists the previous occurrence of results or lists.
Last (Ctrl+F8) This command lists the final occurrence of results or lists.
Keep (F11) This command saves the data you enter in a window temporarily while you finish the remaining entries. Keep (F11) is a required function in order to proceed in certain windows (for example in address windows). If you want to save the registered information permanently, you have to choose Save (F12).
Change row (Shift+F11) This command lets you reactivate a line of data in a posting window.
Choose (F6) This command lets you choose the data from the table line you are on (for example in an F9 search).
Chart This command opens a window where you can define charts and graphs based on the data currently in the table field.
Analyzer This command is only available if AGRESSO Analyzer is installed. It gives you access to a graphical presentation tool.
Excelerator This command is used to send report results directly to Excel and enquiry results directly to Excel or Word.
Document This command is available if you want to connect a document to a transaction or an object in AGRESSO or retrieve an already saved document from the document archive.
Show document Retrieves an already saved document.
Link document Connects a document to a transaction or an object.
Change company (F10) This command lets you switch from your active window (except the main window) to the same window in another company in the database.
Tools menu
Change password Use this command to change your login password to AGRESSO.
Expand branches Use this command to open all menu books.
Collapse branches Use this command to close all open menu books.
Search bar Use this command to activate a search bar at the bottom of your main menu.
Refresh menu Use this command to refresh the main menu after you have defined your own menu items (user-defined menus). You can also use this command to allow changes to you user group affiliation or authorisation group access, or new report variants to be effective immediately.
The commands that are displayed on the Tools menu vary depending on the active window. The various commands are therefore explained in the help text for the window they belong to.
View menu
Toolbar You can choose whether or not you wan the toolbar to be displayed in the window.
Status bar You can choose whether or not you wan the status bar to be displayed in the window.
Visual Basic Editor The Visual Basic Editor will be available if Customisation Tools are part of your license string and you have user access to the item with the same name under System Settings (for developers only).
Maintenance of ordered reports This starts the Maintenance of ordered reports window. You can also start this by clicking the button on the Toolbar.
Maintenance of report printouts This starts the Report printout window. You can also start this by clicking the button on the Toolbar.
Web toolbar The Web toolbar opens up an address bar where you can link to any web site you want.
Format menu
Font This command allows you to change the default font type and size used in AGRESSO. This function may be useful if you are printing directly from a window.
Heading font This command is only available if AGRESSO Browser is installed. It then allows you to change the font for the column heading on the Results tab.
Frame This command is only available if AGRESSO Browser is installed. It then allows you to frame sub-totals.
Break text This command is only available if AGRESSO Browser is installed. It then allows you to add extra formatting to the report.
Gridlines This command is only available if AGRESSO Browser is installed. It then allows you to switch on and off gridlines on the Results tab.
Window menu
Cascade This command places all open windows on top of each other, with the active window on top and title bars displayed.
Tile This command places all open windows from top to bottom on the main window.
Arrange icons This command arranges all icons of minimised windows at the bottom of the main window.
Show table This command allows you to enquire on master files (for example suppliers) when the master file window is active.
Switch Pane Relates to Invoice Manager and will help you move around in VP10 when you have an image displayed there.
Move Splitter Relates to Invoice Manager and will help you move around in VP10 when you have an image displayed there.
Toggle Pane Relates to Invoice Manager and will help you move around in VP10 when you have an image displayed there.
Numbered list Displays a list of all open windows. You can activate any of these.
Help menu
Contents This command displays an introductory text. Click Help Topics on the menu bar in this window to get a list of the help contents in AGRESSO.
Help (F1) This command gives you on-line help for the active window.
Field Help (F9) This command shows a list of valid values for the active field.
About AGRESSO This command displays information about AGRESSO.
User-defined menus in AGRESSO
You can define sub-menus, windows, reports, server processes and user-defined reports for the Personal Menu item.
Creating a personal menu
§ Place the cursor anywhere on the Personal Menu item in the main window.
§ Click the right mouse button and then choose New menu to open a window where you can define a sub-menu item. You must have access to the User defined menu window in AGRESSO System Administration in order to be able to create a personal menu.
Adding functions (menu items) to your personal menu
§ Go to the function that you want to add to the menu. Click the right mouse button and choose Copy. Go to the menu item, click the right mouse button again and choose Paste.
§ Drag the function to your Personal Menu item and drop it over the sub-menu.
§ Go to the menu item where you want to add a function. Click the right mouse button and choose New menu. Fill out the information that is necessary for the function.
§ You can also add a new function in the User defined menu window in AGRESSO System Administration.
All menu items in the Startup folder will start automatically when AGRESSO is started.
In the Startup folder you can add menu items in the same way as you do in the Personal Menu. The authorisation is the same as for Personal Menu items.
Shortcuts do not require any authorisation.
If you use the right mouse button to make the shortcuts global, they will appear in the Authorisation window in AGRESSO System Administration. You must have authorisation to do this.
You can also define Startup menu items in the User defined menu window or by clicking the right mouse button and choosing New menu.
The Startup folder will not appear on the menu if it is not included in the user’s authorisation group in the Authorisation window.
The section User-defined menus in AGRESSO contains a description of how to add functions to the menu item Personal Menu. You can also create shortcuts on the standard menu in AGRESSO, in other words move functions to wherever you want. Note that you cannot delete a menu item from AGRESSO’s standard menu. All shortcuts are labelled with an arrow.
Global menu
Clicking the right mouse button on the shortcut that you have made makes it global, in other words available to all users.
The prerequisites for the use of the global menu are that you have the authorisation to use the Personal Menu item. You must also have authorisation to delete a global menu.
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